An independent scholar and poet, David Eberly is co-editor, together with Suzette Henke, of Virginia Woolf and Trauma: Embodied Texts (Pace U., 2007) and has presented and published numerous papers about Woolf, focusing on the impact of sexual abuse on her life and work.
David is the author of What Has Been Lost, published by Good Gay Poets Press (1980). His poetry has appeared sporadically in a small number of anthologies and journals.
David Eberly has written extensively on poets ranging from the well-established to the marginalized. Among his diverse essays are “Homophobia, Censorship and the Arts,” collected in Homophobia: How It Hurts Us All (Beacon, 1992) and “A Serpent in the Grass: Reading Walt Whitman and Frank O’Hara,” in The Continuing Presence of Walt Whitman (U. Iowa, 1992). “From Couch to Cultural Icon, his essay on the Grolier Poetry Bookshop, is included in The Rise of the Modernist Bookshop (Ashgate, 2015). His diary of a million plus words spans five decades.
More recently, David has turned his attention to the subject of Narrative Medicine, exploring the relationship between health, trauma, discourse, and the creative act. His current projects include Rape, Etc.: Politics, Fragments, and Dreams; a critical book about the Good Gay Poets; and anthologies on Narrative Medicine and Dentistry, and Virginia Woolf and Dance.
“David Eberly’s poetry leaves an indelible impression on his readers. Stark, honest, and unapologetic, his work addresses head on issues that have been critical parts of his life. His poems are crafted with astounding clarity, displaying a sparse elegance and economy of language.” Graham Gordon Ramsay